Advisory Board

Tim O’Reilly: Founder and CEO of O’Reilly Media. He is an activist of open source and open standards.

Craig Newmark: Founder of classified advertisements company CraigsList.

Loic Le Meur: The most influential blogger in Europe and founder of several companies, Seesmic being the last of them.

Bernardo Hernández: Worldwide Director of Marketing for Google Maps and Google Earth and founder of idealista.

Geoff McGhee:
Multimedia Journalist and Consultant at Le Monde. He worked as producer at

Gilles Babinet: co-founder of Eyeka, a new platform for promotion and syndication on the web on mobile phones.

Gabriele Gresta: is an expert in new technology and media. He founded the Digital Magics Group.

Ran Harnevo: CEO of  5min, a platform for how-to, instructional and knowlegde videos.

Mikel Urizarbarrena: Founder of Panda Software, one of the leading security software companies in the world.

Ricardo Galli: Founder of Menéame, the leading Digg-like site in Spanish.

Miguel de Reina: Sales Director & Bussines Development at Expressive Media Projects and former manager of Google Spain.

Lorena Fernández: professor at University of Deusto and known blogger.

Sergio Monge: Independent online marketing consultant and blogger.

Rafa Martínez:
Director of Euskadi Digital, a radio station which is centered on technology and which can be accessed on the Internet.