iPad Restaurant Menu App, Social network and Creativity – Fernando Canales (Etxanobe Restaurant)

During this workshop will introduce the idea of iPad restaurant menu and marketing of the app. Relate the use of social networks and creative processes in the development of the app. How the world of cooking and new technologies go together with the aim of pleasing the customer.”

Information about the speaker
Fernando Canales Etxanobe was born in Bilbao in 1962 and studied hotel management school in Leioa (Bizkaia). After several years in various restaurants in France and the Basque country 10 years ago began the journey of the Restaurant Etxanobe of Bilbao, Spain, in has achieved a Michelin star and two Suns in CAMPSA Guide, among other awards. Among his most daring challenges are preparing a meal for a thousand diners in Hong Kong, to advise the implementation of a tapas bar in Dubai (United Arab Emirates), or a food-pairing for 200 people in Moscow, on behalf of a winery in La Rioja. Etxanobe Restaurant also directs the Akebaso Restaurant located in the foothills of Anboto. Fernando Canales account, among other awards, the 2000 Gold Cap, Gold Award gluttony Madrid 2003, the Prize of Gastronomy Euskadi 2005, restorers Award for Best Restaurant in Spain 2006 and first prize to cook food Cinegourland Film Festival 2006. In addition, works as a judge in contests and gastronomic events and offers courses throughout the Spanish geography. Cofrade of honor is different gastronomic brotherhoods and patron of the house of Basque cuisine. Recently he was named Honorary Member of the Basque Academy of Medical Sciences. Today we can hear Fernando Cananles in the program in Radio Euskadi Boulevard, which has worked for 10 years. He has also published six cookbooks and a cooking course on DVD.

  • nonick
    joined 2 months, 4 weeks ago